14Jan24, 3:54p Upcomingreview email content and sequence ideas, review w/Marty and Maria. Goal: balance the # of comms sent.Send final plans to Karisa, Linda, Anna, Mike,
Table of contents for WA CTA planning
Here is the link to this workspace. To copy the URL, right-click and select 'Copy'. Prep for Wearable art call to artists
Arts Council CTA Wearable Art flyer v3
Schedule for communications as of: 14Jan24, 4p
**Collaborate with AC to determine the appropriate time to use email.
Villager | Publish 1 of 2 | Thu, 01Feb24 | use flyer v3 |
Bulletin | Mid month | Mon, 12Feb24 | use flyer v3 |
Villager | Publish 2 of 2 | Fri, 01Mar24 | use flyer v3 |
Bulletin** | Publish 2 wks prior | Mon, 11Mar24 | use flyer v3 |
Bulletin** | Publish 1 wk prior | Mon, 18Mar24 | use flyer v3 |
Bulletin** | Publish week of | Mon, 25Mar24 | use flyer v3 |
PDF format
PDF AC CTA Wearable Art v3 FINAL 14Jan2024.pdf6013.4KB
To print, open the PDF. To download, right-click on the document or use the download option after opening.